Aasif Maqbool Bhat
Firstly I thank you all my dear friends,Nears and Dears for your heartfelt condolences that you expressed on my father, Mr.Mohd Maqbool Bhat Sahib who died in a Car accident at kralpora attaining heavenly abode on 1st Febuarary 2021. Soon the news reached to our ears about his Accident and then Death ,it was totally altogether a different and toughest experience I have ever faced in life. But In Quran Allah Says (But Perhaps You Hate A Thing And It Is Good For You ;And Perhaps You Love A Thing And Its Bad For You. “And Allah Knows,While You Know Not”.(Quran 2:216),
It was From Srinager SMHS Hospital we took his funeral back towards home,and with heavy heart I was waiting for the funeral of my Dad in Kupwara all alone lost in unexpected harshness of life, then while reaching home at late night we were stopped at number of places by huge gathering of people at Kralpora,Dardpora ,Harie where He had served as a Store-keeper in CAPD Department and having other Socio-Political relations with people of these villages,On seeing the love of people towards my father and sorrow on my Fathers Death made me feel proud in time of agony and disappointment.Then finally we reached our native village Rashanpora, where we performed his last rites as per religious rituals with large gathering in his last funeral prayers and buried him in local graveyard !! Which was his wish too, for at this place many times he had meditated, in the past. We returned to Home by late 8:30 pm amidist chill winter. GN Var sab, Ab Majeed and Master Muzaffar Lone Sab too had come with us along with my other two brothers: Aijaz sab, and zahoor sab, and other relatves too were there.
Our father had made our (familial, friends, and his colleagues) world a heaven of love, faith, truth, justice.He was a broad visionary Man ,On daily basis He used to debate with us during late nights on current political happenings taking place in world ,As well on Other religious and Social issues.
Papa…. When will I see you next? …… is a question which no one can answer for me , and one feels so helpless . It is only my dreams which take me to him and I can feel warmth of his hug and feel enveloped in his unconditional love . To be born to him was my luck & to have parents like them is a blessing, but it brings its own pain.Love you lots, Miss you a lot but all the things around me make me feel your presence .
My Dad had a Old ,”Radio Set” at home ,He was an avid listener of BBC ,Radio Kashmir and Voice Of America.He used to keep it with him and Safe ,But for me now, it brings back sweet and colourful memories and dreams of my childhood . Now the box looks as colourful as my dreams . Want to fill the void created by their loss , and trying to savour every moment and thing from the past and keep it safe for the coming generations .From the early childhood He always insisted us to read newspapers, Magazines ,Journals and literature.
I’ll share more on his life and the stories of how he took on the whole village elders in defennce of Poor and during covid crises the role he played in village is unforgettable, As One of the Teacher of our Village Master Gh ,Rasool Lone Sab writes in his condolence message ; “May Allah forgive and grant patience to the bereaved. The death of Maqbool Sahib has created a huge gap which is difficult to fill. The whole area, especially our habitatio, has become an orphan in every way.
Senior Columnist And Educationist, Pir Gh Rasool Wrote in his condolence message ;”Maqbool sab was having unique good qualities, a prfound loss for family and friends, society.May Allah bless him with His boundless bounties.”One of the political companion of my Father and Socio-Political Activist Manzoor Majrooh Masoodi wrote in his Condolence message “کرالپورہ سڑک حادثے میں محمد مقبول بٹ صاحب چل بسے ۔ آج ایک کردار ہم سے رخصت ہو گیا یہ وہ شخص جو نماز کا پابند تھا نہ جکتا تھا نہ بکتا تھا نہ ڈرتا تھا محکمہ امور صادفین میں اپنا مقام رکھنے والا شخص عوام میں کافی مقبول اور ہر دل عزیز تھا سیاسی طور سے پچھلے 20 سال سے مرحوم کے ساتھ وابستگی کو کسی بھی قیمت پر فراموش نہیں کیا جا سکتا راقم کے ساتھ بحثیت بڑے بھائی جو کردار مرحوم کا تھا جو الفاظ میں بیان نہیں ہوسکتا بس یہی دعا ہے اللہ تجھے جنت میں بھی اعلی مقام عطا کرے
My father has NOW, moved within me, in spirit. And he shall partake all my journeys of RIGHTS and JUSTICE. His physical form i’ll miss, but i know his presence moves into my consciousness forever. And as Thay says, he is my every cell, blood, breath, and being. And shall always remain so.I will remain committed to work for his Dreams and his Dream of nationmaking/ Nation-building.And i’ve his blessings and presence in my being, forever. Am fully UNSTOPPABLE!
Am the youngest of 4 brothers and a sister. We couldn’t have got better parents than we got.May Allah Grant You Highest Place In Jannat.
Love you Daddy !!
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