So let me begin with an idea that has always been in my mind: anytime you talk in front of an audience, always try to go with reasonable things because when you go with unreasonable things, you end up with unreasonable things. Reasonable conversation, you can provide useful information or knowledge that benefits the audience and improves your self-assurance, enthusiasm, encouragement, and how you feel ecstatic It’s like a hurricane without explanation, and it can destroy everything. Not only does it not supply any information, but it also undermines your self-assurance. Discouragement, level, and energy This will give you a boost of energy.and to feel proud in front of the audience, as well as to be sincere in front of the audience I’d love to hear from you and see what you’ve got planned. Make a presentation So, let me begin my topic, which is. women’s studies as a discipline discipline, but in this case, I’ll say The Gender studies is the name I like to use instead of women’s studies, and I shall explain why Gender studies is the name I like to use instead of women’s studies, and I shall explain why.
The name as gender Studies actually which I feel better to use instead of Women’s studies and I will explain why I use to say gender Studies and exclude the name women’s studies .Gender studies is the only subject which has a very unique Motive ,goal reason ,behind its philosophy being as the Student of gender studies this is our responsibility to work And research on the ideas behind this subject and we have To immerse our selves to collect the information which is Behind the ideas of this particular subject which explains That how an individual suffers from very much illicit . Gender studies is the name I like to use instead of women’s studies, and I shall explain why. Studies and exclude the term “women’s studies “Gender studies is the only subject with a distinct focus. Its philosophy is based on a purpose, a goal, and a reason. Gender studies student It is our duty to work on this.
We’ve done a lot of research on the concepts that underpin this topic, and we’ve come up with a lot of To immerse ourselves in order to get information Behind the concepts of this subject, which explains Implies a person suffers from a great deal of unlawful activity Condition due to not giving her actual position or status in Society . behind every illicit condition of female individual In society . social system which is man constructed made Various barriers and walls which limits the women’s Position into a awful condition . We live in a society called ( maashera) where both individuals are live under one Shadow and under one principles they follow their cultural , traditional custom etc following all these things then why And how patriarchal system and ideology is more Dominant on other ideologies . Through these kind of Ideologies this is impossible to balance the peace and Stability of existing world because with out the Understanding of both ideologies and empowering the Both individuals it is not possible to live under the peace And balanced order on earth or under the balances social Structure . Without the contribution of women world is Unable to make an ideal World because it is the natural Phenomenon that men and women are the main source Which exists and lived in a social system or under one Structure . So what actually I mean to to say that without Men or women a balanced society never exists still Without disclosing and discussing the women’s existence In an social order we live in a society where an individual Suffers due other individuals misleading their powers and Due to her failure to disclose her true social position or class. Behind every female individual’s unlawful condition in society The social system is a man-made system.Different impediments and walls that impede women’s ability to achieve their goals Position into a bad situation We live in a culture that is known as (maashera) is a situation in which two people share a home. They follow their cultural norms in the shadows and under one set of principles., traditional customs, and so on if all of these things are followed, then why?And how patriarchal ideology and system are more
On the other hand, different philosophies are dominating. These kinds of methods are used to It is impossible to strike a compromise between beliefs and maintain peace.Because without it, the existing world would be unstable. Gaining a better knowledge of both beliefs and empowering the people It is impossible for both individuals to live in peace. And a balanced order on the land or within the social structure’s balances The world will be unable to create a perfect world without the involvement of women since that is the natural order of things.The fact that men and women are the primary sources of information is a phenomena. Which exists and is lived inside or under a social framework A framework So what I’m trying to say is that without Either a man or a woman Still, there is no such thing as a balanced society. Without revealing and addressing the existence of women We live in a society where an individual has a social order.Suffers as a result of other people misusing their authority and The fundamental source of unbalance is the stability of society. We must concentrate and use our intellect to realise that we must first empower men, as discussed in gender studies.
Individuals as a whole, not just one.
Question—I believe that men must first empower themselves.
to gain a better understanding of patriarchy in the workplace
In the real world – at work, at home –
In their schools, colleges, and communities, as well as in their homes.
In what ways is each guy complicit in patriarchy?
in some way, and addressing that is a good first step.
Step. From there, more males can be educated on the subject.
patriarchy, and how they facilitate it in many ways.
Apart from that, I believe it is critical to listen to women and their stories, allowing them to determine what women’s empowerment means .