Kupwara : To curb the Forest damage, the Forest Division Kamraj once again took the hard step and booked 5 people.
According to sources somewhere in Compartment 95 of North Lolab, a joint seizure of 143 cfts by Territorial forest staff and Forest Protection Force was made today in Madmadove of Co.95/NL ,after receiving specific complaint regarding illegal damage of 2 deodar trees by timber smugglers.
According to forest officer, the damage took place during night hours and timber smugglers managed to escape from the spot and today on 15/09/2021 at 8pm, team of Territorial Forest staff and Forest Protection Force proceeded towards spot where the damage has been done by timber smugglers. The team made joint seizure and seized 143 cfts outrun of 2 deodar trees and the same is under safe custody of beat staff”
He added “In order to curb the timber smuggling activities in the said area, the five culprits involved in the instant case were booked under law at Police Station Kupwara. (The copy of the same lying with kupwaratimes.com)
The officer further added, while talking with kupwaratimes.com, that in future the department will act with iron hands against the notorious timber smugglers and will be booked under law, if they continue damaging green gold .