The Contingent of 8 Players of Indian Icestocksport Federation participated in the 14th Icestocksport world Championship 2022 in Ritten Italy from 21 to 27th Feb 2022, The Team of 4 Players took part in the Team Distance Event under the Captaincy of Aadil Manzoor Peer ranked as 8th in World. This was the First time when Team India Participated in the Team Distance Event among 5 other Events of 14th Icestocksport World Championship and team were praised by International Federation Icestocksport for such a tremendous performance. The team was comprised of 4 players which includes, Aadil Manzoor Peer of Jammu & Kashmir (Captain), Ravi Kumar Meena of Rajasthan, Balpreet Singh of Chandigarh and Vikas Kumar of Gujarat, which scores aggregation of 230.11 meters. The Team India will be taking part in four more Events in next Few Days.