350 drug-addict youth rescued and rehabilitated, 429 more identified,
DC seeks support of locals, PRIs, Parents and Imams
KUPWARA, MAY 3:District adminstration Kupwara has rescued and rehabilitated around 350 youth of different areas of the district from the drug menace.
Meanwhile more than 429 Drug-addict Patients have been identified from different areas of Kupwara district with the help of local ASHAs, Lumberdars, Chowkidars and PRIs who will get proper treatment and rehabilitation at Drug De-addiction and Rehabilitation centre Kupwara.
In the meantime District Administration Kupwara has upscaled its war against drugs.
In order to combat menace of drug abuse a multi-pronged strategy is being implemented in the district.
On one hand, Police has launched a massive crackdown on drug peddling and drug abuse by conducting raids across the district to curb the menace of drug abuse and to break the supply chain of drugs, On the other hand Rehabilitation, Counselling and Guidance policy is being implemented on ground to properly treat and rehabilitate the victims of drug abuse.
Adminstration is taking adequate remedial measures with the aim to safeguard the youth from dangerous exposure to different kinds of drug abuse.
190 counselling sessions of drug De- addiction were conducted in the district and 43 drug de-addiction awareness programmes were organised across the district by health department.
A comprehensive action plan is being implemented by education department in the district where Seminars, rallies, debates, Oratory competitions, moral education sessions in school assemblies and painting competitions regarding ill effects of drug abuse are being organised.
Health and Wellness clubs in all the high schools and Higher secondary schools have been re-organized. Sale of Tobacco products has been banned in the peripheral areas of schools and other educational institutions. Identification of drug addicts and suspects in schools and educational institutions has been launched. CCTV cameras have been installed in all hospitals, medical stores of towns. Periodic inspection of medical stores is being conducted and licence of medical stores are being checked and verified.
Drug addiction hot-spot areas of Kupwara district have been mapped to reach out directly to drug victims.
Property accumulated by Drug -Dealers and Peddlers is being verified and steps are being taken to confiscate this illegal property . Better coordination among enforcing agencies have been ensured for greater deterrence to combat dangerous trade of drug-trafficking in Kupwara district.
Deputy Commisioner Kupwara has emphasised upon all enforcing agencies to work with cooperation, coordination and collaboration in war against drugs.
Deputy Commisioner Kupwara, Dr. Doifode Sagar Dattatray has stressed that District Administration will continue its relentless fight against the drug peddling and shall ensure that Kupwara District becomes free from the menace of drugs.
The DC has sought public support especially support and co-operation from Parents and Imams of different mosques of the district in the fight against the drug menace.
Deputy Commisioner Kupwara reiterated that adminstration will provide all possible support to the affected persons and shall help them settle in careers by extending benefit of various employment generation programmes of the government. He said by availing the benefits through different self-employment schemes they can earn their livelihood.
It was informed that 190 counselling sessions of drug De- addiction were conducted in the district and 43 drug de-addiction awareness programmes were organised across the district.
Deputy Commisioner has asked the concerned officers to conduct continuous interactions with drug addicts in a friendly and cordial environment.